
Burberry Touch For Men Review: A Light Masculine Note That Does Not Excite Me

I used Burberry Touch For Men for the first time in July 2023 and I couldn’t decide whether or not I would like to adopt it and add it to my list of favourites.

I have since used it a few more times since that first occasion and I am still undecided. Perhaps the word is not “undecided”; more like “unexcited”. I explain in details below.

Burberry Touch For Men
Burberry Touch For Men

How do I find this fragrance? It’s notes are light. Quite light. I must admit that I am a fan of strong masculine fragrances, and this is Burberry Touch’s sore point for me. It is light. That is not a bad thing in itself. There are millions of people who find light notes perfect. It just happens that I am not one of those.

The scent itself is a nice blend of fresh floral, woody, musky, and spicy notes. I like it. I find the scent pleasant. I just don’t find it strong enough. I love strong masculine notes.

There is a chance that Burberry Touch For Men will not make it to the list of my favourite scents, meaning I will hardly ever wear it alone. But it does well as a secondary fragrance for when I need to mix or layer fragrances, which is often. I am certain that is how I will wear it mostly.

It has a fine, subtle, and sophisticated fragrance that is pleasant to wear for any occasion, making it one of the most versatile fragrances I have worn. Burberry Touch For Men just might be the fragrance you are looking for, especially if you are not into strong, often overpowering notes, so do give it a try.

If you have worn this fragrance, I’d like to hear what you have to say about it, especially if you disagree with my thoughts about it.

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