
Back when relationships were simple and fun

We’d take a long drive to the beach and just chill, enjoying the cool ocean breeze and the sound of the crashing waves. Sometimes, there is fresh coconut water to drink from the fruit.

Or we’d take a walk around the expansive grounds of the National Theatre Iganmu, just chatting about nothing and everything.

And there were times we would go sit at the lagoon front at UNILAG, then take a walk to the Love Garden beside the Senate building where we would sit in the shade of the trees.

Or if it was in the evening, we would buy suya in front of Moremi Hall and then go sit at the amphitheatre to munch away at the mildly spicy chunks of meat.

Relationships used to be so simple and fun. Now, it seems that if a man doesn’t plan half of his salary to take the girl of his interest to a fancy restaurant, a date is not considered to have happened. At least, that is the impression I get from what I read and watch on social media.

It looks like dating or “going out” today is all about spending loads of money. Anyway, wetin concern me? However you people want to do it is fine. Have fun your way; we had tons of fun in our time.

This post won’t be fun if I fail to mention that one time that Mrs. Mo and I went to the National Theatre before we became Mr. & Mrs., two rogue policeman came along when we hugged and accused us of indecent public display. Feel free to come up with scenarios of how that scene ended.

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