
Onyeka did it

Onyeka Onwenu, the elegant stallion, one of our greatest musicians, went out in a blaze of glory at the age of 72.

My idea of a great way to die is to do so while active, preferably while doing something you actually enjoy doing.

For Onyeka, that was singing. For me, that would be working on a great article, building a website, speaking at an event, or dancing my heart out somewhere.

I would add having a great time beneath the sheets (does anyone really cover themselves up with sheets?), but that would obviously leave somebody’s daughter traumatized. Mbanu.

I would include driving a road trip somewhere, but I don’t want to have my car maim others or take lives after I extinguish while behind the wheels.

So, let’s scratch out those two activities. I have plenty of other activities that I enjoy.

The point is that Onyeka died doing something she loved doing and without becoming a burden to anyone. She was on that stage in all her glory, radiant as ever, charming her audience, sat down when done, slumped, was rushed to the hospital, and passed on shortly after.

The goal is to go out without stressing my family, friends, and loved ones. I look forward to doing that when my time comes.

Whatever your hands find to do, do it quickly, even if it is dying. If I have any say in the matter, I will die quickly, not in a long drawn out, messy process.

Onyeka did it.

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