
Of what moral value is BBNaija? The dumb question somebody asks every year

Every year, someone asks this dumb question. And it is almost always asked by only one set of people – religious ones.

So, let’s turn the tables: What moral value are religious houses to Nigerians? Let’s be sincere.

Hundreds of millions of Nigerians go to those places, religiously, weekly, and yet stealing goes on in public and private offices every day. Yahoo practices are on the rise, with the blessings of pastors, imams and others. The same religious leaders endorse and support thieving politicians.

What’s worse is the internal politicking in those places. Church workers (including pastors) scheme and fight bitterly to get posted to juicy stations, because everyone wants their reward here on earth, and not even serving God will keep them from getting it.

People attend services and return home to continue with their lives of lying like dogs, manipulating others, and chooking their mouths in the businesses of others, like the busybodies that they are.

Zero moral value. People only put on a show once or twice a week, pretending that it makes any difference, and then go on being immoral every other time.

If you go to see Deadpool & Wolverine at the cinema, you do it for the entertainment value. Surely, no-one is dumb enough to see it, expecting to get lessons about why it is wrong to use profanity or to kill. What it offers is entertainment value. Full stop.

“But what of our traditional entertainment – folklore and music – don’t they have moral value?” Do they? Look where those values got us – a nation of “smart” scheming, hustling, grabbing people who are looking for every opportunity to take advantage of the next person. Sucking teeth.

All those “moral values” infused into tales by moonlight that your grandmothers and grandfathers told you, all those Fèyí K’ọ́gbọ́n, Fádèyí Olóró, Kòtò Aiyé, and other “morally sound” shows and movies that you prefer, and look where the country is today.

What moral values does football offer Nigerians? Millions are addicted to the world’s greatest game, but they are not dumb enough to expect it to teach them any morals. It is a game, pure and simple. Entertainment. And really good entertainment at that.

Perhaps BBNaija has zero moral value. It is entertainment; it makes no pretense about offering any. But at least, the people there are not putting on a show pretending that it does. And those who watch it are not dumb enough to think that it offers any such thing.

Now, as the adult that you are, pick up the remote and change the channel if what you want is moral value. Go watch Dove channel or something.

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