
My friend made me cry

This morning, a friend of mine got me all teared up. He has been that kind, supportive friend and partner, and this morning, he said a beautiful thing to me.

We were having a conversation about a help he rendered and he said: “You should know by now that I’m your biggest fan”.

I replied, “Honestly, I do. It humbles me, considering how solid a human you are.”

And then he offered to help out some more. It is not every day that someone offers to help me. You see, I am the guy that people come to for help. And that is a blessing in a way. I consider myself privileged that people consider me as someone they can turn to for help. I learned to be kind and supportive of others from my darling parents, so no complaints.

But it means that many people do not offer me a helping hand. Perhaps it is that mindset of, “What can I offer him or do for him?” that comes with being looked up to.

The thing is, quite often, those that others look up to for support have struggles and challenges of their own that they need help with. I certainly do.

Anyway, this particular friend has been of tremenduous support to me. This morning, his words and his offer to help once again got to me deep down. Yes, I cried a little. I even sent him a teary voice note.

Thank God for solid friends who make us shed tears of gratitude. To my very small circle of friends – you beautiful souls who support me and cheer for me through thick and thin – I love you. I appreciate you. And I don’t take your friendship for granted.

And yes, I have got your backs, too. You can count on that.

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